Artificial Intelligence for financial services

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As the popularity and profitability of high frequency trading declines, the next evolution of algorithmic trading may be dependent on smarter machines, allowing a broader class of trades to reap the benefits of automation and sophistication.

Future of Smarter Faster Machines

The proliferation of smarter machines will further shift the focus of machine-based trading to rapidly respond to real-life event:

Smarter, faster machines will allow broader types of trades beyond high frequency trading to reap the benefits of automation and sophistication

Ask questions, discover and test hypotheses, and make decisions automatically based on advanced analytics on extensive data sets.

The involvement of humans in the overall trading process may decrease as machines automate a wide range of core activities from hypothesising to decision making

Self-correct and continuously improve trading strategies with minimal human interaction through machine learning and prescriptive analytics.

The accuracy, consistency and speed of trades will improve through automation and self-learning
